MECRA S.r.l. was founded in 1990 with experience gained since 1979 in the production and distribution of the spark plug wires in which they specialise.
Since 2007 we have been selling IGNITION COILS for a wide range of Italian and foreign applications.
Mecra has the more modern system for the production of ignition cable sets, the raw material and all components used are top quality so that we can assure that our products are with a quality similar to original equipment.
All production phases are continually cheked and under the supervision of our technical team.
The quality of our products are gurranteed by frequent quality control.
Our technical team is available to discuss and find new solutions to yours problems.
MECRA invests in research dedicated to the production of new wires used by manufacturers of various models of cars.
The Product Catalogue is therefore in line with developments in the automotive industry that continually bring out new vehicles.
Latest update on-line catalogues:
- Ignition cables: August 2020 - Ignition Coils: August 2020
Please consult the online catalogue via Product finder, the catalogue is updated in real time.
MECRA has always stood out by its availability and competence in respect of even the most demanding customers.
In addition to providing products, the company also stands out by the attention it pays to the requests of the customer to whom it provides advice and quick answers in relation to technical updates, the search for particular products or components and the customisation of the items sold.